1. Whenever you add new products to your Shopify store using Stock Sync, it will be considered one activity

  2. Stock Sync allows you to Undo the products from the latest activity of your Add Product feed.

  3. You can find the Undo button in the activity log of the feed which will be next to the total products added. 

  4. Once click on the Undo button, it will process to undo the products from your store. If there are many products that need to undo, it will take some time to finish the process. Undo the added products will be returned the credits. 

  5. This is what it looks like when it's processing undo. 

  6. If you couldn't find the Undo button next to your latest activity log, it means has already been Undo. The image below is showing once done undo

This is only applicable to the latest activity, any previous activity can be Undone. Its limited to 14 days only.